Solar combustion artist Billy Keith started collecting fresnel lenses in 2008, teaching himself how to capture the sun’s power and burn one of kind works of art with a 2000 degree pencil. Over the years he has dedicated himself to his craft and has participated in folk art shows like Minnie Adkins day in Kentucky, Finster Fest in Georgia, and Fearrington in North Carolina, and had showings in Dayton, Ohio. His solar art has also been featured in the Kentucky Folk Art Museum in Morehead. At the beginning of the year he and his wife Michele opened their own art gallery, The Sun Shop, in Louisville, Kentucky. Next in his evolution is bringing his love of performing street art to a digital street corner, where people from all over the world can come together and interact with him in real time as they share in the magic of his creations.

Louisville Magazine article

Courier Journal article

WLKY article

Made with love in Louisville, Kentucky.